How to hit your step count


January is the single point in the year when we all think about getting healthier and fitter. And, if Santa brought you a wearable health gadget, the pressure is on to use it.

It's a myth that 10,000 steps a day is needed to keep you fit, just half - 5,000 steps - can make a big impact. Here's how...

Join in: Get someone to join in your challenge and get competitive with each other. Why not get your workmates to aim for 10,000 steps a day and see who wins?

Dance like no-one's looking: Every day, dance around the house for 30 mins - it can add as much as 3,000 steps

Maximise the dog walk:. Take the dog for a walk, every time she stops to sniff, do steps on the spot until the dog's ready to move on again. Don't have a dog? Offer to walk a friend's or a neighbour's dog. It's another reason to get out and walk.

Make every brew count:. Pace round the kitchen while the kettle boils. You're not allowed to stop walking until the kettle clicks off.

Make your own indoor gym: whenever you can, ignore the lift - use the stairs; at work, walk up and down the corridors. Great when it's raining. When you're in the supermarket, walk up and down ALL the aisles.

Walk the kids to school:. Ditch to car for any short distances. You'll encourage everyone to be more active when you stop taking the car.

Walk and talk: Every time you take a call, stand up and walk around the room, or along corridors.

When it comes to getting more active, this doesn't have to mean joining a gym or taking up running. Walking is great for your fitness. Go for a walk with a friend and catch up.

Try a sport you loved at school. Give a dance class a go. Whatever it is, find that one activity you really love and start by focussing on that. If you force yourself into activities you find a chore, you're less likely to keep them going for long.

Enjoy it!

Remember walking can boost your mood, it's an ideal way to help you beat the winter blues... and to stay motivated to reach your weight loss targets!