No going back now

I burned all my old clothes!

Tracy - Success

A photo from a family event made Tracy realise that it was time to try Scottish Slimmers.

Having been overweight most of her adult life, Tracy Singer from Aberdeen, decided it was time she took control. 'Before Scottish Slimmers, I had often lost around 3 stone independently but found I was never able to keep it off.

'I never seemed to get below 15 stone and I accepted that for me that was okay, until I saw a picture of myself at a family event,' says Tracy. She remembers feeling deflated 'In the picture I looked much older and could have even passed as being pregnant I was so heavy!'

Though every cloud has a silver lining and it turns out that photograph was just the motivation Tracy needed to join Scottish Slimmers and change her life.

'My friend had lost weight in the past with Scottish Slimmers. Up until that point I had spent my life saying I didn't need someone to tell me I was overweight, but what did I have to lose?' says Tracy.

'Joining Scottish Slimmers is the single best thing I have ever done for myself, I wish I had joined years ago.'

Tracy's misconceptions about slimming services melted away when she realised Scottish Slimmers is about far more than 'eating right', it's a lifestyle choice.

Tracy reached her Target Weight within 2 years of joining and says, 'What I really like is that Scottish Slimmers are very sensible at helping you set targets. I've hit all of my targets and I feel better than I have done in years.'

A size 22 previously, Tracy never believed she would get below a size 16, but now looking in the mirror she sees a completely different woman looking back at her, a size 12 woman.

Tracy says her life has changed in many ways, but the main difference she has noticed has been her bank balance. After getting rid of her old clothes, she's now enjoying a new look including some fabulous footwear!

'I have had to buy a whole new wardrobe in sizes heading downwards, not that it has been a chore,' she laughed.