Serves: 4

Cheesy chilli quesadillas

FG 4 | CC 10

Calories: 245 kcal
Food Recipe images quesadillas

  1. Take 2 tortillas and sprinkle them with the cheese.
  2. Top with the chillies, spring onions and coriander.
  3. Cover with the remaining tortillas and press down gently to flatten them.
  4. Place a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat.
  5. When it’s hot, add one of the quesadillas and toast for 1-2 minutes until lightly browned underneath and then turn it over and cook the other side until it starts to brown and the cheese melts.
  6. Repeat with the other quesadilla.
  7. Cut each hot quesadilla into 6 triangles and serve them immediately with the salsa and yoghurt.

Tip: these quesadillas are delicious served with guacamole.